Aug 3, 2013

All that is gold does not glitter

Just quoting one of the best things I've ever read. These lines from LOTR just made my day!
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king
 Hats off, sir J.R.R.Tolkien

Apr 7, 2013

the nine talismans

So I just completed reading this book "The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" during my commutes in the metro. I found it really moving and meaningful. These talismans are really something that every one of us should keep close to our hearts and has healing powers of a sort, for those who are messed up in their life. 

I thought I should share the talismans here ( also so that I can read them afterwards when I need them :P) :

The Power of Authenticity 
The most important gift we can give ourselves is the commitment to living our authentic life. To be true to ourselves, however, is not an easy task. We must break free of the seductions of society and live life on our terms, under our own values and aligned with our original dreams. We must tap our hidden selves; explore the deep-seated, unseen hopes, desires, strengths and weaknesses that make us who we are. We have to understand  where we have been and know where we are going. Every decision we make, every step we take, must be informed by our commitment to living a life that is true and honest and authentic ti ourselves and ourselves alone. And as we proceed, we are certain to experience fortune well beyond our highest imagination.

Embrace Your Fears
What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear. It keeps us in our comfort zones, which are, in truth, the least safe places in which to live. Indeed, the greatest risk in life is taking no risks. But every time we do that which we fear, we take the power that fear has stolen from us - for on the other side of our fears lies our strength. Every time we step into the discomfort of growth and progress, we become more free. The more fears we walk through, the more power we reclaim. In this way, we grow both fearless and powerful, and thus are able to live the lives of our dreams.

Live with Kindness
It is important to remember that just as our words are our thoughts verbalized, so our deeds are our beliefs actualized. No action, no matter how small, is insignificant - how we treat someone defines how we treat everyone, including ourselves. If we disrespect another, we disrespect ourselves. If we are mistrustful of others, we are distrustful of ourselves. If we are cruel to another, we will be cruel to ourselves. If we can't appreciate those around us, we won't appreciate ourselves. With every person we engage, in everything we do, we must be kinder than expected, more generous than anticipated, more positive than we thought possible. Every moment in front of another human being is an opportunity to express our highest values and to influence someone with our humanity. We can make the world better, one person at a time.

Make Small Daily Progress
The way we do small things determines the way that we do everything. If we execute our minor tasks well, we will also excel in our larger efforts. Mastery then becomes our way of being. But more than this - each tiny effort builds on the next, so that brick by brick, magnificent things can be created, great confidence grows and uncommon dreams are realized. The truly wise recognize that daily improvements lead to exceptional results over time.

To Lead Your Best Life, Do Your Best Work
There is no insignificant work in the work. All labor is a chance to express personal talents, to create our art and to realize the genius we are built to be. We must work lie Picasso painted: with devotion, passion, every and excellence. In this way, our productivity will not only become a source of inspiration to others, but it will have an impact - making a difference in the lives around us. One of the greatest secrets to a life beautifully lived is to do work that matters. And to ascend to such a state of mastery in it that people can't take their eyes off you.

Choose Your Influences Well
We do not move through our days alone or apart from the world around us. And so we must always be aware of the things and the people that we allow in our lives. It's a mark of wisdom to choose to spend time in those places that inspire and energize you and associate with those people who elevate and uplift you. Whether in our work or within our personal lives, these most positive friends and peers will inspire us to be our greatest selves and to lead our largest lives.

Life's Simplest Pleasures Are Life's Greatest Joys
Most people don't discover what's most important in life until they are too old to do anything about it. They spend many of their best years pursuing things that matter little in the end. While society invites us to fill our lives with material objects, the best part us us knows that the more basic pleasures are the ones that enrich and sustain us. No matter how easy or hard our current conditions, we all have a wealth of simple blessings around us - waiting to be counted. As we do, our happiness grows. Our gratitude expands. And each day becomes a breath-taking gift.

The Purpose of Life Is to Love
How well you live  comes down to how much you love. The heart is wiser than the head. Honor it. Trust it. Follow it.

Stand for Something Bigger than Yourself
There are no extra people alive today. Every single one of us is here for a reason, a special purpose - a mission. Yes, build a beautiful life for yourself and those you love. Yes, be happy and have a lot of fun. And yes, become successful, on your own terms rather than on those suggested to you by society. But - above all else - be significant. Make your life matter - be of use. And be of service to as many people as possible. This is how each of us can shift from the realm of the ordinary into the heights of the extraordinary. And walk among the best who have ever lived.

Feb 24, 2013

posting from ipad

just random stuff. testing the blogger app for ipad. looks decent
everything looks so much better on an ipad :p

Jan 8, 2013


This calls for a blog post.

So I got pick-pocketed in the metro 2 hours ago. At Akshardham, one of the most crowded stations in the evenings. I was standing there waiting for the train. I had my headphones on, to brace for the one hour torturous ride back home from office. The train came to a stop, the doors opened; humans rushed at other humans at the gates, where of course there was no space to stand. I tried to fit in. In the process, my bag, which I was holding on my back, got drifted with the crowd. This is normal I thought. I tried to pull it in the front, which I did with some difficulty. Things came to halt and doors closed.

Train was moving now. I checked my pockets instinctively, first my jeans and then my bag's outer pocket, where I generally keep my wallet. The later was ajar. "It's ok man", I told my panicking insides, "you must have forgotten to close it". I slid in my hands. Empty. Panic. I turned towards the crowd, all still, all staring at me, panic apparent in my eyes. I worked my way away from the doors inside, looked around hopelessly, not knowing what to look for.

I am a such a coward. I should have shouted. I just stood there frozen, but then spoke casually. "Everyone please take care, a wallet has been stolen." Someone asked "Just now?". I said "Yes, My wallet. From my bag." There was activity. Eyes on me. Someone suggested, "Check everyone's pockets. The train is moving, he mustn't have gotten down." I just stood there. I am hating myself for this. I just fucking stood there. Some uncle said, "You look educated. Don't you care about what's yours." And I just fucking stood there. Got down at the next station, Yamuna Bank, called up dad to block my credit and atm cards. Later realized the extra difficulty I had pulling my bag to myself when I was getting in. It was then, that moment, when the godforsaken, son-of-a-fucking-bitch had his hands in my bag's pockets, trying to sneak my wallet out.

I lost a credit card, atm card, driver's license, some random loyalty cards and 400 cash this evening. I am hating myself, not for being careless or for the loss. But because, I didn't act when I should have.