And I have done it again. The graph just keeps falling. I screwed up my third semester exams and an year after, the fifth semester exams have been a legacy. So whats the reason?
Dude, Roopam! What happened to you? This was never the way things were. And suddenly the world is upside down. Whatsup! hmm?
I don't know brother, I just don't fucking know for sure. Wish I did. It so much drives the crap out of me. Here's what I "think" ruined me:
1. Love
No need to explain really. Right? And nothing can be done for this except for adapting and incorporating whatever extra dynamics it brings along so that life remains stable somehow.
2. My Brain
Recently I am facing a ridiculous problem. Its insane to even think that way, my sub-conscious brain prevents my conscious brain to do what has to be done. Its as if I myself stop myself to study or work or do something which my conscious mind is screaming for. And I have no control on that. I am going crazy, for sure.
3. My Distractions (in work)
Yeah, I am so much involved into things far far from my engineering schedule, that there was a point when I almost made up my mind to just stand up and go. Leave engineering and do what I my abilities call for. It's like I am not made for electronics. Circuits scare me. Although, If you force upon me shit loads of books and give a deadline for an exam. I can probably get a 40% and clear it. Or even a 60% if I really work hard or if you give me an ultimatum that it's either an 80% or death, then I might even reach 75%. (Although perishing wouldn't be a very effective motivation if anyone took that one seriously. haha) But that would be because I was forced to do it. I wish I had taken Computers. But again, computer courses have their own complications. There is too much uncertainty when loads of codes and algorithms are played with. It gets too frustrating sometimes. So I dread that subject too. Fuck.
Oh then, what do you want loser?
I don't know. I don't.
4. My late start
Coming to the practical reasons, not preparing from the start of the semester does makes sense. But then, I have the justification in a jiffy.
Are you crazy? Study like a nerd from the start...for 6 that shit, which I am never probably gonna use? Waste your youth, your time in that? Really Roopam? Is that what you want?
No, I don't want that. But it wasn't that extreme, you know, I could have studied smartly. Made proper notes, attended the classes (as much as I my distractions allowed me). The subjects were not boring after all. Electronics has a whole new light, when the formulas, derivations and circuits are studied with its applications.
Gotta improve on that brother.
5. Peers
Really, Are you blaming your friends for your screwing up?
No I...No I am not. How can I? That would be foolish. If I can't decide what's good for me and what's not, who in hell gives me the right to blame them. Self Control. The lack of which is the reason. Prioritize. That's whats I need to do. There are unlimited things to do. I have to understand I can't do all of that. I have to prioritize. Do what's necessary. Identify the requirement, work for it. Learn from mistakes and have patience .
So peers and friends were never a reason. My friends, no matter how much cheap and low-life they seem, are the most amazing lot of people I have seen in this world. :P :)
6. No Books (over belief)
Okay don't believe me, but I gave two exams without having their books. CSO and IOME. (@non-engineers: the first one is Computer System Organization and second one is Industrial Organization and Management Engineering and no, they are not as scary as their names, :P ).
I solely was dependent on slideshows for CSO and internet for IOME and I proudly say that I might as well pass these exams and that would be an unusual achievement in fact. Passing an exam without it's book.
Roopam, dude, you are amazing!
Any ways back to the point. So you might ask: "WHY". Why didn't I buy a book.
My brain keeps holding me back, remember? I knew I have to buy a book. I even had the money for that. But, well, my dark sided "me" thought it wasn't necessary. Although I was clear, that I don't make notes anyways. "so where am I gonna study from, library?". I don't even have a library card. Ask me "why?". I lost my earlier one and didn't bother to make a new one.
This only means two things bro. Either you are too lazy or you are not clear about what you want.
So I think that's pretty much the bull's eye. The main reason being my being oblivious to what I want. I am just too much distracted.
But that's the diagnosis. Where's the medicine?