once upon a time, in a far far land, three monks decided to master the power of walking on water!!
So they sat down together beside a lake and started meditating. After some time one of them got up and started walking towards the lake. miraculously he was walking on water without his feet dipping and crossed the lake without drowning!!
Then the second monk got up and started walking towards the lake!!And to the awe of the third monk he also crossed the lake without going more than an inch in the deep lake!!The third monk thought that since he has also meditated for the same time as they did. He also had the power to walk on water. So he got up and approached the edge of the lake. But the moment he stepped in it, he fall. Disappointed he cursed the other two and the god's partiality!!
The other two monks just laughed across the lake. The second monk then said to the first one.."do you think we should tell him where the stones are!?"
So whats the thing!!?? Wherever there's magic, it not always god who intervenes, its deception most of the times!!So watch out, before you turn into a hopeless believer!!
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