I still remember, it was my first day at hostel or rather the first night. My uncle had come to drop me and ma luggage to my double room, which looked so unwelcoming, that I wanted to turn back home the moment I stepped in. It was the first time I was staying away from home and the ragging legends that came along, made my pants wet (well almost) as uncle bid me farewell with a smile which looked more sinister than assuring. As expected someone banged on my door late in the night after dinner. So I opened the door to let in a tall, tuff guy who obviously was a senior with a companion of his who looked the same except being a little shorter. I tried to keep my voice firm but with no success. "yes!?", "first year?", "ye...yes!!".."is that how you greet your seniors","no sir definitely not, m new to hostel","okay then, give me a ninety and show me how fish swims"!!Although It was not the first time, I was getting bullied, I felt better this time, coz they were not ma classmates like before but seniors. I

Its funny how true is the saying..'every man has a master'..even the most scary of seniors, no matter how much anxiety they induced in us, were afraid of professors (with a few exceptions of corse). Trying to digest the sudden change in the atmosphere, i had come out to the common room (its not a room actually, a ground with hostel blocks on each side and and open sky above), only to meet anxious first years like me. Probably the seniors had bullied them too. So that was the first time i met my future friends who are still with me. Now it feels like ages back. No more seniors came that night, but that doesn't mean i was never bullied after that. I'll save that for some other day.