zip zap boom!!
So fellas, this is the last part of my 'the day I'll remember' post and also the most eventful for that matter :P:D
Ahh so where were we..hmmm...we were celebrating bhatter's buddae...on the hostel corridor..night time 2 am...water flying all around..everyone running wildly and laughing...i was feeling a little dumb..with my cybershot in hand..recording the frivolities of the evening....like m watching it on TV..duh
So I decided to join in..(here comes daddy mah kiddos)..i kept the cam, my mobile, wallet, watch n specs in pawan's room...got a bucket and went to the common bathroom to fill up my air-torpedo!!Till now everyone ws wet...anyone was randomly chosen and water poured over him and beaten by everyone....everyone was enjoying basically!!Normally we won't do that....only the b'day boy bears the brunt!!But pawan was having bad days already and everyone knew that...so we decided to shift the wrath on each other so pawan could enjoy!!(friends indeed haan?!) So everyone was running around...we 10-12 of us...the corridor quite slippery now!!I was enjoying really...without slippers...i was running like a small boy....I don't know why the hell would a 20 yr old wud do that....i feel angry sometimes!!so one particular slide was quite long....i was sliding and sliding and sliding....and then boom!!................
I went unconscious....and after that my threads of awareness came in parts:
I realized i was sitting on the wet floor...someone supporting my back...someone looking at my head and shouting...(i think that was puneet)...pawan's face in front of me, couldn't hear him....and one word came out from me..."fuck man"!!I couldn't hear anything...it felt like a long time...it felt like i couldn't remember anything recent....that got me scared...have I lost my memory??
Next I remember I was in a car...puneet beside me trying to console...holding my head...someone had put a handkerchief around my wound...I looked at my legs...they were shaking horribly...i couldn't control them!!I looked who was driving the car...it was someone i knew..was from the hostel, couldn't recall his name...I got very scared...i said.."fuck man, I cant remember anything"....i remember saying that exactly!!
Next I remember I was in a lift going up the hospital on the 3rd floor!!I was standing alright, but I culdn't feel my legs!!My eyes were closed throughout!!I heard..my friends and the receptionist having some conversation...he probably said...."we found his guy on the roadside, my mum insisted dropping him to a hospital, can we dump him here"...then someone took me to the ICU (I think I read that on the door) and made me lie on a bed...or was it just a table..i dont remember!!I was lying where that guy left me...i was shivering..the AC was ON...'someone please switch it off'!!Everything was white...from the bedsheet to the walls!!It was definitely the operation room...my head was feeling very heavy!!I was conscious now...but i couldn't move my head....it felt like a long time lying there!!My friends weren't with me!!Why wont someone put a bandage or something!!Then a doctor came...was young..asked my name...I told him...asked me where i was from...'NSIT'!! "aoo...from the engineering college here??...so you a hostler...what happened?"!!I didn't reply....frankly I couldn't remember a thing!!he started putting medication on my head!!I thought how was I looking...i was wearing a violet half-shoulder waist, jogging half-pants....all wet...no slippers!!A roadside vendor would look better than me!!huh
By the time it was done...I was feeling Okay...I came out of the white room to find the waiting room filled with my friends from the hostel!!whoaa....thats called the hostel spirit!!A hostler's hurt his head...is in the hospital, so we borrow bikes and rush to the hospital even if we don't know who he is and even if it's 3 in the morning!! huh!!but it was nice to see them...having fun...everyone thinking i lost memory and trying to prove that by asking my own name!!:P:D!!By the time I came back to hostel, i came to know India had lost T20...another blow!!enough for today man....i went back to the room...changed to dry clothes and went with puneet to sleep in his double room!!